Member Notices

Notice from the President regarding Access to the Club

Roadworks and MISC Access Notice

The local energy distribution company (
CitiPower) will be undertaking excavation works on Cook st and Todd Road from Friday 18 November to “Mid-December” of 2022.

This will mean there will be a full closure of Todd Road between Cook st and the Wharf Road roundabout.

UPDATE 17/11/2022:

Please note that works commenced in Todd Road today along with multiple road closures.

To clarify the method for accessing the range while works are underway in Todd Road.

1. Head outbound from the city along Lorimer Street past the Todd Road turnoff until you reach Sabre Drive.

2. Turn left at Sabre Drive (detour sign) and head along Sabre Drive until you reach Wharf Road

3. Turn left at Wharf Rd and head along until you reach the Todd Road roundabout.

At the Todd Road Roundabout, inform the traffic control personnel that
you need to get to the shooting club (they might say it is closed or
similar, but members need to just say they have access).

Please note that if trucks are loading/unloading equipment, there may be a 10-15 minute wait.

NOTE: When exiting from the club – turn right & exit via Lorimer Street.